Queen Betsy: Undead and Unwed/ Unemployed/ Unappreciated/ Unreturnable/ Unpopular
吸血鬼女王1- 5套書(另類吸血鬼愛情話題)
Product Description
It's been a hell of a week for Betsy Taylor. First she loses her job. Then she's killed in a freak accident only to wake up in a morgue to discover she's a vampire. On the plus side, being undead sure beats the alternative. She now has superhuman strength and an unnatural effect on the opposite sex. But what Betsy can't handle is her new liquid diet...
And whilst her mother and best-friend are just relieved to find out that being dead doesn't mean Betsy's can't visit, her new 'night-time' friends have the ridiculous idea that Betsy is the prophesied vampire queen. The scrumptious Sinclair and his cohorts want her help in overthrowing the most obnoxious power-hungry vampire in five centuries. (A Bella Lugosi wannabe who's seen one to many B-movies.) Frankly Betsy couldn't care less about vamp politics. But Sinclair and his followers have a powerful weapon in their arsenal - unlimited access to Manolo Blahnik's Spring collection. Well, just because a girl's dead - er undead - doesn't mean she can't have great shoes...
這套Queen Betsy小說,說是都會愛情小說也不為過,故事設定上很像慾望城市,咱們的女王是個名牌狂,卻意外成為吸血鬼族的女王,故事也因為添加了吸血鬼的身份設定,很多事就這麼不小心的超出「常人」的範圍,偏偏女王又是個非常堅持「人性」的吸血鬼,故事常常就在這女王的人性思考與非常人族類之間爭扎,好笑又一針見血的觀點,絕對是輕鬆閱讀的好選擇!
原文單本 $280 套書5本特價$1050,中文版為耕林出版